
This post lists the confirmed errata for Effective Perl Programming, Second Edition. We’ll collect reports and fix up what we can for subsequent printings.

We classify problems into five types, encoded by their first letter:

  • A Serious technical mistake usually means we said something that was completely wrong and there is no hope in salvaging it.
  • A Minor technical mistake usually means that the code we show somehow has an error, but once fixed, its main point is still valid. For example, we might have used a different variable name in the text (so strict is violated) or we used the wrong module name.
  • A Formatting error might look like a technical mistake, but when we look at our original source, we see that we got it right. On its way to the book, however, something didn’t convert it correctly. A problem with formatting is usually easily solved by reformatting, while a true technical error needs more adjustments.
  • A Typo or typography problem can be a simple misspelling, or a problem where the typeface obscures the meaning. For instance, a typeset @ might look too fancy to be recognizable as a Perl sigil, or something that is supposed to stand out doesn’t (or something that shouldn’t, does).
  • A Clarification usually means we left out something we assumed everyone already knows, but is important for the point we are making. That is, we should have explained more of the issue.

To report a problem, send us an email at errata at effectiveperlprogramming dot com or use this Google spreadsheet form. The erratum won’t appear in the spreadsheet until we confirm it.

This is a Google spreadsheet displayed in an iframe. If you can’t see the spreadsheet, you can try accessing it directly.